Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gloria vs. the USC Rug

And the verdict is.... guilty as charged!!

Lately, a certain furry someone has taken to chewing on a certain USC rug. Kyle blames the Washington loss and claims she's a fairweather fan, but I have a darker (and better, most likely more accurate) theory. Gloria's hatred of USC goes a long, long way back (well, as far back as a 14 week old puppy's hatred can go).
You see, Gloria is an OHIO puppy. Her first action agaisnt the rug was a dump, taken directly in the middle. We/Kyle tried our/his best, but even our/his most stringent precautions couldn't protect the ill-fated rug. It's death was destiny. She would sneak in, undected (mostly) under my feet when I'd dry my hair to get a chew or two in, then later, she'd stealthily chase in after Kyle'd go in to brush his teeth, attacking the rug merely a foot away. So while Kyle thinks she's a fair weather fan, I think she's risking the skin off her back to save her family from the evils of the USC rug. What a brave and loyal puppy. I wonder when she'll go after the shower curtain....


  1. Good for Gloria! You don't really need that rug anyway, do you?

  2. Update: It's even worse now, we forgot and left the bathroom door open while we were out for 12 hours...
