Sunday, September 27, 2009

Gloria vs. the TWO walk day

So Kyle and I accidently both took Gloria for 2 mile runs yesterday. This generally wouldn't be a big deal, but when your legs are seven and a half inches long and as skinny as a starving model's, 4 miles is a *lot* of steps.

Unsurprisingly, she was very tired last night (and this morning) so we took advantage of a sleepy puppy to get some cute photos.

I think somebody loves her puppydaddy.

Gloria loves to have her belly scratched, I guess this proves that even in her dreams she assumes the "please-rub-my-tummy" position. (She also wimpers in her sleep and "runs" in her sleep.

And I think somebody loves his puppybaby.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Gloria vs. the USC Rug

And the verdict is.... guilty as charged!!

Lately, a certain furry someone has taken to chewing on a certain USC rug. Kyle blames the Washington loss and claims she's a fairweather fan, but I have a darker (and better, most likely more accurate) theory. Gloria's hatred of USC goes a long, long way back (well, as far back as a 14 week old puppy's hatred can go).
You see, Gloria is an OHIO puppy. Her first action agaisnt the rug was a dump, taken directly in the middle. We/Kyle tried our/his best, but even our/his most stringent precautions couldn't protect the ill-fated rug. It's death was destiny. She would sneak in, undected (mostly) under my feet when I'd dry my hair to get a chew or two in, then later, she'd stealthily chase in after Kyle'd go in to brush his teeth, attacking the rug merely a foot away. So while Kyle thinks she's a fair weather fan, I think she's risking the skin off her back to save her family from the evils of the USC rug. What a brave and loyal puppy. I wonder when she'll go after the shower curtain....

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Gloria and the T-Bone

Lately, steak has been significantly cheaper than chicken and someone has been enjoying it. The following photos are of a graphic nature and should not be viewed by the faint of heart. They are of Gloria enjoying her first t-bone.

She was actually really good when we first started taking photos, she was doing this super cute thing where she laid down with the bone and had both paws holding the top of the T with the middle sticking straight up in the air. Unfortunately, we missed that photo.

Gloria and the Popsicle

I came home from my first day of work to these two guilty faces:One had left a popsicle melting on the end of the counter and the other had greedily lapped up the puddle of strawberry popsicle while the unmelted portion dripped on her head.
She was absolutely covered, her paws, her face, her head and very sticky Needless to say a shower was in order. I suppose all is well that ends well, and my two loves were happy, both of them filled with strawberry popsicle.